Like you know, a Tiles Showroom integrates fields like Stock Management, Labour Management, Delivery Management and the like. Today I will share with you on how to effectively manage a Tiles Showroom using Invaccs ERP.
Let's first deal with Stock Management. This is an area wherein Invaccs has paid significant attention and laid special focus on. The entire process, right from Purchase Order to Goods' Receipt to Final Purchase can be effectively and easily handled, using Invaccs.
For example, the godown could be in one location, while the showroom is located elsewhere. Going through the Goods Receipt, we first calculate the Total Stock and Damaged Goods. From there, we move to the Accounts Department, where the Purchase Bill is handled. Using this, the Landing Cost of each piece can be calculated.
For example, going through the Purchase Bill, the Freight, Loading and Unloading Charges can be verified. Based on this, even the weight of that particular product can be calculated.
So once the Purchase is made, the system itself will provide you a clear data on the exact Price Rate that particular product was procured. This is how Invaccs has implemented its Purchase Order and Stock Management.
Similarly, an area which needs special attention is the difference between Physical Stock and Computer Stock. On numerous occasions, these two fails to tally. The primary reason for the same is that the Stock is stored, as per the Purchase Order.
What Invaccs implements here is a Reverse Process. A proper Inventory Tracking or GRN entry would be made at the place where the stock is taken. For example, let's say 100 boxes have arrived, of which only 99 can be used. The remaining one is damaged. While making the GRN entry, 99 would be marked as Access Stock and the remaining one would be marked as Damaged Stock.
Later when this is forwarded to the Purchase Section, we would be able to raise a Debit Note on this one box. When the Annual Stock Taking takes place, we hence need to calculate Stock Valuation of only 99 boxes. In many places what happens is that they calculate the Stock Valuation of 100 boxes, including the one that was originally damaged.
Therefore the profit of a non-existent box is also reflected. Later they start worrying about this non-existent profit. I know of many such cases. This can be avoided if you follow a proper Stock Management, right from the GRN entry itself. This will help in both Damage Management and correct assessment of the Physical Stock, based on actuals.
Similar is the case of Insurance. Now most purchases are covered under Insurance. If there are damages, we can prepare a List of Damages, Claim Insurance and can convert a substantial amount as profit. So Purchase Management is an important aspect. Invaccs handles this aspect without any error whatsoever.
Another important area that Invaccs ERP focuses on is Multi-Branch Handling. What is Multi-Branch Handling? This is an issue many faces. There will be just one showroom. But accumulating stock that cannot be accommodated in that one showroom, would be stored at different places.
What Invaccs proposes is to set up Display Showrooms at different locations. These Display Showrooms would be linked with the system and can be operated as Order-taking Mini Points. This would go a great way in enhancing Sales.
Instead of setting up big showrooms at different places, such an option can be considered. If we have one major showroom and a major godown, we can operate a number of Satellite Shops as Display Showrooms.
Only Display and Order-Picking would be done here, while Delivery and related matters would be done at the major showroom. This can be effectively done using ERP's Online Version.
Another aspect is CRM and Sales Order Management. The ERP system will integrate all salespersons through a Mobile App. The date of each and every visitor to the shop would be recorded through this app. The data can be used to track the exact extent the visits got converted into sales, and reasons for non-conversion into sales.
In the case of visits that get converted into Sales Orders, the same can be simultaneously recorded in the App, while the salesperson takes the order from the customer. Once the order is taken, a Sales Order is hence automatically generated. The salesman will also be able to check what's the Total Stock in the godown, including Actual Stock and Available Stock.
What is the difference between Actual Stock and Available Stock? Let's say we have 100 boxes. A customer has placed an order for 50 boxes for delivery at a later date. When a salesman takes an order, the system will show that the actual stock is 100, and the available stock is only 50. This will help to address issues related to filing incorrect orders, thereby leading to delay in delivery.
There's another module that helps salespersons for Sales Order Management. Many customers place their orders in square feet or square metres. But the stock is usually kept as box/numbers.
Our module helps set the ratio between the two, so when a customer raises a demand for 1000 or 1500 square feet, the system itself will show how many boxes it would come to. This will make the job easy for even a novice salesperson. He doesn't have to learn the ratio by rote. Instead by just feeding the input data, he can generate the Sales Order.
Another important aspect is Pricing. We can set six levels of pricing, using the system. Of these, three important levels are Salesperson-wise Price List, Manager-wise Price List and Owner-wise Price List. At the time of preparing the Quotation itself, we can reserve the profit under these three Price lists. This would give a clear picture on what would be the incentive if the order is closed at the salesperson, managerial or the owner levels. This would help to improve the productivity and profitability of the firm. These reports would also prove beneficial to each salesperson to asses their own performance.
Delivery Management is another key area. Each salesperson can make customized plans for delivery of their orders. He or she can also track whether the delivery was made, as per the order.
Bargaining is another important aspect. When a customer comes to the Tile Shop, you would be able to make an easy calculation on the best price at which the product could be delivered through the Quotation Process.
Going through the Quotation Process, we will be able to know what is the profit that would be generated from the bill, including the amount (with and without GST). This helps to close Sales Orders by offering the Best Pricing to customers.
Salesperson Performance is another area that is covered. Using Invaccs ERP, we can assess the performance of each salesperson.
There are certain features that would assist the shop owner. An MIS app can be installed on his mobile phone, using which he will get first-hand information about what's happening in the shop in his absence. These reports will be available through the Dashboard.
In addition to this, there are several other unique features. At the end of each working day, we will be able to calculate the exact profit earned from a particular shop. Using the solution developed by Invaccs ERP, we can open and operate multiple branches and can control the same, sitting at the head-office. It can be used both online and offline.
As far as the Tiles Industry is concerned, E-way Assist Bill Generation is another important thing that needs to be taken care of. Generally, people spent lot of time for E-way Bill Generation. Invaccs has developed a system that will make this possible through just one single click. The salesperson himself can generate an E-way Bill in no time, by following simple steps.
The government is going to implement E-Invoicing from April this year. It will be applicable to all traders with a turnover of above Rs Five Crore. E-Invoicing too has been incorporated in this system. In addition to this, other statutory proceedings like GSTR-1 filing, GSTR-2 years reconciliation and GSTR-3 filing have also been included in Invaccs. In short, Invaccs offers end-to-end ERP.
We offer an ERP that has integrated all reports of a proper inventory - Salesperson-wise, Representative-wise, Supplier-wise - in addition to reports at the accounting level. Moreover, what is our niche area? We have a Tiles-based ERP. We customize this according to the requirements of each shop. We visit each Tiles shop, study their system, pick out the flaws and customize the ERP, according to their specific requirements.
Even if you don't have a computer expert in your shop, you can operate the ERP, using just about any staff. With this, an employee with zero knowledge in accounts too can operate the same. Invaccs ERP thus incorporates many such specialities. Currently more than 50 major traders in Tiles and more than 100 small-scale tile-traders use Invaccs ERP. We have been operating in this sector for the last 18 years.
Invaccs has developed softwares for firms operating in different sectors like paints, sanitary and hardware. One of our specialities is that we have developed different ERPs for different sectors.